
Monday, 28 March 2022

Saving a Template in Microsoft Project


Templates in Microsoft Project

Saving a template in Microsoft Project, saves time, focusses teams and keeps plans standard. Templates in Project are stored in either the personal templates folder or a network folder. Use Project options to change folder location.

How to create a template

Template setup

Design the task list and add the links. Embed any external documents. Once the task list and links are sorted you can format the Gantt chart to display as required.


Add resources as normal to the resource sheet. Select the Assign resource feature to allocate resources for each task. Do not overallocate resources. Any resource displaying a red symbol is over allocated.


Creating a template report saves time and standardises reporting.

Custom Fields

Add custom fields to the Gantt chart table or create a new table with the custom fields.

Saving a Template

When all elements of the template are complete, select Save from the menu.
In the save as dialogue box, select the template option. Navigate to the
template folder indicated in project options and save. To use the template,
select file and new.

Templates sit in either the personal folder or a network folder both are shown in Project options..


Search for courses here

Search for online courses here

There are three course formats. The first format is, one to one, this is a tailored session covering topics selected by the student. The second format is Classroom based courses, this is a structured session. Online, this course follows the format of either of the other two.


This video explains how to save a template in Microsoft Project